Diversity, equity and inclusion every day.

At the co-op, we are dedicated to contributing toward equitable food systems by offering diverse products and including the voices of our communities. Because it is not enough to simply say that we are diverse, equitable and inclusive, we practice these things daily to maintain DEI work through action, education and community outreach. This includes a dedicated commitment to marginalized and underrepresented groups, including a focus on:

  • Women-owned businesses

  • Indigenous communities and land acknowledgment to the Chumash people of San Luis Obispo, CA

  • Hispanic communities

  • AAPI-owned businesses, AAPI heritage and AAPI-led organizations

  • Black-owned businesses, Black history and Black-led local organizations

  • LGBTQIA+ owned businesses and LGBTQIA+ led organizations

  • Local farmers, national farmers and international Fair-Trade workers

  • People 65 years and older

  • People affected by the housing crisis

  • Veterans

Chumash Land Acknowledgement

The Northern Chumash people live on the magical land that is called San Luis Obispo County. The Chumash are the First Peoples of this land and have thrived as a maritime culture along this coastline enjoying its magnificent beauty. We want to acknowledge the fact that SLO Food Co-op is on the land of the yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini (ytt) Northern Chumash Tribe of San Luis Obispo County and Region. The yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini have been here for over 10,000 years and their ancestral homelands are commonly called the Diablo Lands or the Pecho Coast.

To recognize the land is an expression of gratitude and appreciation to those whose territory we reside on, and a way of honoring the Indigenous people who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial. Land acknowledgements do not exist in a past tense, or historical context: colonialism is a current ongoing process, and we need to build our mindfulness of our present participation.

While Land Acknowledgements are an important starting point, ongoing and consistent action to support Indigenous communities is critical. Being an indigenous ally is an ongoing and life-long process. To learn more, visit their homepage at northernchumash.org.

To help support and learn more about the yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini (ytt) Northern Chumash Tribe’s proposal of purchasing back 9,000 acres of their ancestral homeland, you can visit their website here at yttnorthernchumashtribe.com


Hispanic Heritage in SLO

When you shop at the co-op, you support local farmers.

Many of our fresh, local and organic produce selections come from local family farms that have been passed down for many generations, like L.O.V. Farms that provides our delicious and nutritious greens, strawberries and so much more! With organic and sustainable practices, Hispanic-owned and operated farms are able to succeed and thrive with your ongoing support. This not only sustains your local farms, but it improves and boosts your local economy by keeping your dollars local.


Purchase Hispanic-owned brands at the co-op

As inflation continues to impact the health of most businesses, Hispanic owners ranked access to capital and the ability to grow as their top challenges of 2022 and beyond. By providing healthy and accessible food to our community, we are able to facilitate the relationship between the consumer and food producer as your local neighborhood grocery store. Hispanic-owned businesses are able to continue providing their services and delicious products with every food you thoughtfully purchase. They also taste amazing! Sounds like a win-win. Available now at the co-op:

& many more!


AAPI (Asian American & Pacific Islander) Heritage and History in SLO


Purchase AAPI-owned brands at the co-op

Since the pandemic started in March 2020, Asian-owned businesses and restaurants have seen a significant drop in sales, and some had to close shop altogether — either due to COVID-19 restrictions or racial discrimination against the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. To support AAPI-owned brands, purchase AAPI-owned foods and products at the co-op that will share the vibrant culture in your home and through the foods we enjoy. AAPI-owned brand available at the co-op include:

& many more!

Engage with AAPI-led organizations in SLO

With a wide variety of vibrant events, educational resources and social activities, connect with SLO’s AAPI community through one of their local organizations. One such organization is AAPI SLO, a community & safe space to discuss and take action on global and local AAPI culture and justice. With such an active and engaged AAPI community on the Central Coast and in SLO, we invite you to share groups like this one with friends and family, including:

Want to learn all about Asian American history on the Central Coast and in San Luis Obispo? Research using one SLO High School student’s website (Emily Pan) at centralcoastasianhistory.org where Pan worked with Cal Poly professors, the History Center of San Luis Obispo, and local historians to document Asian American history here on the Central Coast.


Black history, present and future

Purchase Black-owned brands at the co-op

We are dedicated to building supportive ecosystems for Black-owned brands and businesses in the U.S. The right business framework can mitigate or negate the effects of structural obstacles presented to Black communities that face inequitable barriers to their success. There are financial, social and political systemic barriers that hinder Black entrepreneurs and efforts to start and sustain local businesses as a part of existing supply chains that favor White producers. Because the entire business must be involved in the success of Black-owned brands, we pledge to increase our Black-owned brand visibility at the co-op and expand our Inclusive Trade brands. Our current Black-owned products that you can support by purchasing at the co-op today are:


Engage with Black-led organizations in SLO

Black history is a living and breathing story of struggle and overcoming. It is both ancient and in process now. Marginalized and underrepresented Black communities in SLO face inequitable barriers to entering business, succeeding in business and in handling daily obstacles through systemic social and racial injustices.

To create artistic, cultural, educational, and social experiences that amplify Black voices and matters of racial justice, RACE Matters SLO is a local organization that supports Black-centered spaces and cultural content in the San Luis Obispo area. Our first 2% Tuesday recipient, RACE Matters SLO is a local nonprofit that we encourage you to check out and support all year-round! Other Black-led organizations that move the needle toward more racially equitable systems in SLO include:


LGBTQIA+ pride at the co-op

Purchase LGBTQIA+ owned products at the co-op!

While we are blessed and grateful to live on the Central Coast, where inclusion and equity is at the forefront of all we do, LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities still face overwhelming pressure due to exhaustive social stigmas. This can include prejudice and ongoing discrimination. This also affects LGBTQIA+ owned businesses, where they face inequitable challenges to pursuing and achieving success. To support the success of LGBTQIA+ businesses, purchase brands like these:


Engage with LGBTQIA+ led organizations in SLO

San Luis Obispo offers a variety of local organizations that serve as safe spaces for the LGBTQIA+ community. GALA Pride & Diversity Center, one of our past 2% Tuesdays beneficiaries, advocates for the Central Coast’s LGBTQIA+ community and prioritizes the individuals of the Central Coast in their everyday lives from helping someone new to the area to find connections to helping a person find support services. Other valuable resources and safe spaces include:

& many more! (click this link for more resources)